Friday, December 05, 2014

Pick a Day Advent #pickadayadvent FAITHFUL

   This is 'Max' our 'maltese cross' who is the definition of FAITHFUL!! They say a good dog becomes the centre of your family and that's not hard to understand with such a proud dog as Max...
   He will come in and lie on your bed when you are unwell, just about wrecks the nearest blinds on the front room when the parcel deliverer or postie are about and any trade who enters must give him a pat or be subjected to a tirade or barking and jumping!! There's no risk of biting, he just likes to be 'in charge' and comes out to circle the pool like a supervisor when the pool cleaner stops or there are leaves to be scooped!! Funny dog, barking birds away and keeping an eye on things. He was jumping all oversee when I came home from a week or so in hospital recently and lay with me in those first couple of weeks, just faithfully keeping company and demonstrating his value to the whole family enterprise...

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