Monday, June 28, 2004

Worship Unplugged # 12 PLAYTIME continued

See below for the beginnings of this worship plan...

Around the worship space have up to four stations where items you can touch, collect, look at could be placed:
1. A bowl of sand, salt, or small rocks
2. A TV/vcr or DVD combo... not projected on the screens with relevant movie or worship footage [no audio]eg. Matrix
3. A bowl of M&Ms
4. A pile of phone notepad pages and pens/textas or crayons

On screen invitations come during the worship time to interact with any of these resources:

Run fingers through the sand reflecting on time, your past, the biblical story...
Pick up a rock and sit and reflect on its shape and texture, wonder at its story
Taste the salt as you ponder Matthew 5: 11-13

Be aware of the AV footage and answer an onscreen question

Take different coloured M&Ms to represent different kinds of prayers: thanks, confession, for others, hopes, hurts, commitments...

Write responses, questions, prayers, thoughts, hopes etc on the paper and place them amongst the symbols in the centre of the space or in an offering bowl provided.

and so it continues.....

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