Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Micah 6: 6-8

What does God require of us? What kind of worship should we offer?
Normally resistant to short quoted sections of scripture... which can be made to say all kinds of things... this brief segment from the Book of Micah in the Old Testament continues to crop up and challenge me in all kinds of ways and all kinds of settings.

Micah suggests that the kind of worship God asked people for was:

I reckon this translates pretty well into today's setting...
The answer to the question is the same!!
That our worship ought to be represented in how we actually live our lives each day...
Worship involves action, integrity, real life situations!
Its about a connection or relationship with God
Its about a focus on the needs and interests of others

It is not, the social gospel or a justice freak distortion of scripture BUT a mainstream appeal for people to match their faith and their lives in committed action!!

A spin off to this would be a question about how we should pray... And I reckon the answer is the same!!
That our best prayer is lived out in action... As people of hope, living in community, sharing faith and questions, concerned and active for change in places where we can make a difference... Or wear ourselves out trying!!

Personally I find it inspiring when I hear about people successfully doing this:
UCATSA students turning up to rallies
Friends being there for others
People of integrity going in to try to reinvent politics
Gifted and talented people giving their time for training and mentoring others
Leaders who work hard to be genuinely 'inclusive' with others... Not just talking about it!!

What else might it mean?
NOT attending worship as a duty
NOT crapping on about sexuality and leadership for its own sake
NOT being apathetic
NOT blaming someone or something else

Taking control of things I can change
Making regular prayer time to stop and reflect on how I'm doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God

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