Saturday, June 12, 2004

Unrelaible Idea # 8 Enough Rope

I was excited about Andrew Denton's ABC TV program from the very firt time I heard about it... not just because he is a brilliant interviewer, but because it opertaes on a premise I have always held to in my role as a Youth Worker. That is, the notion that everyone has a story worth telling and hearing. Community building, small group work and camp whole group sessions are all places in youth work where young people can be encouraged to hear and to share stories... in deeper ways than just their favourite colour or TV show.
I recall one Youth Workers Inservice where we were encouraged to bring and share the story of a favourite hat... over the evening meal one night!! The mix of humour, significance and the depth of sharing about peoples lives, moments and history was just one of those 'magic' times. I've experienced the same asking young people 'vox pop' video questions or asking them to share in front of groups [especially on a video camera projected onto a big screen. There's something special about the storytelling medium and the way people will be open and vulnerable in the right atmosphere. Its not unlike Andrews foray into the studio audience following up info cards they fill in ahead of the show!!
Consider ways that opportunity for people to tell their story can be opened up in the life of your groups. Maybe even orgainsing some group or camp based blogging is the way to go!!

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