Monday, June 28, 2004

Unreliable Idea # 13 Youth Week

Australia now has a national focus on Youth Week in March/April each year where local and state governments promote a range of music, arts and participation events.
DO NOT BE THE CHURCH WHICH RUNS ITS OWN GENERIC VERSION but instead encourage your young people to enter competitions, attend events as a group and bring their perspective to the various aspects of the week.
You might work through art competition themes with them and encourage them to bring a view informed by their faith or perspective... encourage them to demonstrate an enthusiasm... give them access to a video camera for any movie competitions and/or work through and discuss their experience of Youth Week after the event. This encourages a praxis approach to faith of having an experience and then reflecting on it theologically. What themes, messages, issues emerged for them in the stories of their peers about life in their community?

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