Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Advent B&W Photo Reflections 6th December 2017

   When I get the chance I enjoy heading into the city of Newcastle. I bike or walk at the Foreshore, spend time at Six Degrees when I need to write creatively, chill at Honeysuckle or just sit and enjoy the Harbour. It's a spiritual discipline for both time out and work.
   I'm out of step with a few friends in believing the light rail will be the making of this part of Newcastle. At the moment it's a nightmare of course and my support is conditional. The best scenario will, be the ability to alight from your train, cross the platform and hop on light rail to carry on. It's great it'll stretch to Pacific Park but I'm not sure we've got any more infrastructure to trade away to pay for the obvious extensions to the Stadium and the Uni.
   It's already opening up the Harbour and enabling a stroll from Hunter St and back... there is green amongst the development that wasn't meant to be going onto the old corridor (never did believe those assurances)...
   Here in the picture is the outer edge of Newcastle Railway Station. I expect any Market and Arts District will flounder around for years until they finally work out what will be popular, the nearby lawn will be great and who knows what else will go in. It all reminds me of the change agent task and the need to give permission for experiments, not failures, attempts we learn from and move on from in the pursuit of substance over form... renew, certainly an Advent task!!

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