Sunday, March 30, 2014

LENT Photo #23 'Wanting to be Somewhere Else'

   'Green screen' technology is amazing... the capability to take a person or object 'anywhere' by using a green screen behind them to separate their image and put alternatives behind them... CGI, other scenes etc...
   I did want to paint one wall of my Synod [statewide] Office in Sydney green as a reminder of 'creativity' and 'possibility'... the one at the time didn't have a full wall that would work... I will sometime...
   Today it's a little bit tempting to want to be 'somewhere else' after a busy but productive week of meetings, catch ups, prep, workshop, worship etc and plenty going on... it's a week where I've rolled from place to place and had less than ideal sleep!! I'd love to go see 'Noah' at the movies soon to take that virtual tour via green screen. I'm interested in Aronofsky's purpose in exploring this story 'inspired' by the Scriptural Noah... as a stand alone story, not an attempt to stay true to any particular conventional retelling. As a Director he uses such stories to explore themes, not the other way round. Predictably those who want to domesticate the story and control the narrative are up in arms. The usual exercise in missing the point. If I don't like it or think 'inspired by' is stretching it I'll say so... but in my case I'll see it first!!

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