Monday, March 24, 2014

Lent PHOTO #17 "Vivid"

   For a variety of reasons, worship has been on my mind this last two weeks... it's been a busy time... but alongside thinking about what will reflect an intersection between God and the culture of those gathered in a number of different settings it's reminded me of those things I value, find engaging, make meaning through and/or don't mind being challenged by and so in no particular order:

- something that allows me/others to respond to God
- art and creativity with tactile visual things
- activity that is changed and reflects your engagement with it
- shared stories
- music live and/or recorded without necessarily needing to sing along
- a question I can think, pray, talk about or just reflect on
- people sharing about things that matter to them
- celebration of ways those present have engaged in God's mission in the world
- Exploring Scripture as a central thread and unique, prophetic & apostolic
- Recognising Jesus as the living word of God who fuels our 'following'
- Newspapers, photos, video, storybooks, 'stations', collaboration as standard tools
- breaking out into community spaces, not just 'the church'
- including surprises
- participation by as many people as possible in leadership

   Curating experiences for older groups, conservative groups and/or those resistant to change means [alongside committing to include something that stretches people] I have grown to appreciate fragments of the above wherever I find them. In movies, listening to music, at the museum, through street art, lost in my own thoughts etc etc... It needs to be 'vivid' with space to be experienced and not compromised...

It's a bit like the experience of watching an old black and white TV in my youth. You had to fill in the colours in your imagination and as I think back I can still recall significant cultural and sporting moments on an old valve driven TV... but somehow able to find meaning and add my own colour...

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