Friday, May 25, 2012

30 DAY SONG CHALLENGE: Day SIX: A song that reminds you of somewhere?

Seth Lakeman played at Greenbelt 2008 when I finally made it to Cheltenham!! I had been aware of Greenbelt since the 1980s and it took me a long time to make it, after a false start for 2001. On this night I didn't quite get into Seth's musicianship and edgy folk BUT I perservered and bought his CD and enjoy listening to his songs [especially with headphones] and escaping to 'some other place.'
It was a brilliant study trip with fellow journeyers including St Laurence, Reading, Safespace at Telford and my side trip home via New York's 'Transmission' and others... Seth Lakeman is back at GB2012... I'm not :(

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