Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Re-reading "The Shaping of Things to Come"

   Yes, I'm re-reading the Frost/Hirsch 'textbook' exploring innovation and mission for the 21st C! It's helpful because it's thorough, grounding and references the original works from which most of our current popcorn versions draw their inspiration.
   The challenges of contextual mission and ministry and the ideas here are some of the reasons people tell me I speak a different language to them in some workshops and presentations... that won't be changing... but hopefully more people are beginning to grapple with the issues an increasingly irrelevant institution is facing.
   This is diametrically opposed to the 'good news' we believe we share and our hopes for a world lived differently. If people don't see 'the church' as a place to explore their spirituality and life then we are going to find 'attractional ministry' difficult... being seen and helpful , connected and serving communities of people is actually doing and being our faithful selves differently and opens up opportunities for people to encounter God on their territory.
   That said, I laugh every time I read about San Fransisco's 'Subterranean Shoe Room' knowing that he was trying to get a message to Michael Frost, asking him to stop telling the story. The shop ends up being full of Aussie and Kiwi backpackers 'cramping his style'!! whoops... keep it to yourselves!!

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