Friday, June 11, 2010

Moving with God - Transforming Communities

Next in my series.... I really like the idea being pursued by our friends in the Uniting Church Synod of South Australia who are pursuing the notion that as a helpful church, a church committed to community and to connecting with people, they are offering connections, positive ideas and media presence emphasising that the UCA is a church made up of people. The featured ads here are a little obscure on their own but the website shows ideas about connecting with churches, ways you can make a difference in your community and offers advice and helps for parents and others.
All this without a full briefing from SA, seems to me a really creative way to present in the mainstream... and working at 'transforming communities' and just happens to play to our strength of the growing role of UnitingCare all around us.
I hope we would be in a conversation that would lead us somewhere towards creative ways to show we are 'people' in the Uniting Church. Just as it shouldn't take [3] years to get to a 'new form of 'Synod meeting' we should also be getting on with what our vision might mean on th ground.
This kind of idea is closer to peoples experience and need than the 'Jesus - all about life' stuff I reckon!!

Check out the ads here
And the rest of the site here

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