Monday, March 08, 2010

82nd Oscars Today

Every year I write something of the same spiel about the "Academy Awards" where of course they celebrate everything celebrity, excess and individualistic about western self important society... yet they also top all the other focal points for the medium I just love called 'motion pictures' or movies!!
OK, ok... it's an awards show...
But don't you love to see the best in American self congratulations raided by a succession of Aussies who don't take themselves too seriously, some speeches by the real actors who show how good they are by not being able to be anywhere near as articulate as themselves in character...
This morning Sam Worthington responded to a question about the worldwide impact of "Avatar" by saying even he was sick of seeing his ugly head in the media and then followed up a question about what it should be about today... by suggesting the message was that James Cameron was an "f*&^ing good Director... whuh!!"

There are some brilliant films being celebrated this year:
The Blind Side
The Hurt Locker

Who I hope wins:

Best Picture 'The Hurt Locker'
Best Actor Morgan Freeman but I think it'll be Jeff Bridges
Best Supporting Christoph Walz
Best Actress Sandra Bullock
Best Supporting Mo'Nique
Best Director Kathryn Bigelow

Bring it on...

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