Monday, June 22, 2009

"How Can We Be Church in Secular Society?"

My home congregation at 'The Dungeon' are looking at a series of peoples hard questions and I offered to help explore this one alongside the new 'future' people are dreaming of through effective use of a new hall space and redevelopment of the property.
As usual there was a lot to cover but that's mostly because with a short turn around I was still processing thoughts myself. We acknowledged the answers would not be found in one worship but the exploration could begin!
Here's what we did [that I would happily help develop further or tackle in another format together]!

Pre worship video loop 'Vunerable Flame' from Jonny Baker at Grace
1. Call to Worship
This is our worship,
This is not a concert,
Not a film, a lecture, or a party!

You are invited to give yourself time and space to hear God
Let's commit ourselves to be God's people
Here in this place and in all places

We join our story to the story of those who've gathered through history
At first, under threat, worried about a hostile society
They needed to get out from behind the four walls,
To share God, become one of us, in their community
To begin the subversive counter cultural movement following a rebel
who threatened the status quo.

Then becoming organised, with clear leadership, order, property.
Given place and authority, a rich tradition of programs,
Creating a space for shared values, propositional faith
and the transformation of the world with the promise of life in God.

Here we are, on the edges, un-noticed, there's ambivalence,
deep yearning, but some confusion, are we a sign of hope?
Bringing life and faith into dialogue, serving, active in our world.
God's Spirit guide us, disturb us, inspire us...
Church in secular society, creating spaces for grace and life...

2. Then a clip to "Magnificent" U2 to continue the 'Call'
I will post these clips asap...

3. Communal Song 'Dreams and Visions'

4. Confession 'Owning Up and Being Forgiven' Activity
Write, draw, scribble on a black card [with silver pen] and stick that to the black cloth
Watch and listen to 'Fall at Your Feet' modern ballet solo fro 'Kicks' Concert 2007

5. Reading/s [3 voices]
Romans 12: 1-8 Luke 14: 34 Matthew 9: 17
The nature of the early church community and using gifts
Salt losing its flavour
New wine, old wineskins

Next post will have the full notes
Included clip of "Raise the Alarm" The Living End
I talked for 10 mins too long at least [what's new]

7. ACTIVITIES to Explore
We spent time choosing:
a. 'Prayers for Others' writing on newsprint in between newspaper headlines from this week
b. 'How You Spend Time' writing notes about faith practices we'll work on, address envelope
Clock, cloth, notepads, pens and envelopes on table
I plan to post these back in a month
c. Clips on Screen 'Man in the Street vox pop' and 'Soularise EChurch vox pop'
7" DVD with looped clips, post it notes on cloth
Write post it notes about ideas for effective use of the new hall space
d. Photos on newsprint/Sketch pad /Mural
Pics of new space on paper, write or draw what you know about the needs and hopes of this
area and ways we might connect
e. Offering bag on a table with cloth and Leunig Prayer about 'Change'

We closed worship with an informal eucharist and final communal sending out song

I knew I wouldn't be leaving much time for discussion but I know people will come here looking for the input and clips plus they'll make their way to the Adamstown UCA website!!

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