Friday, November 30, 2007

Worship Unplugged #48 CD Cases

This idea courtesy of Nicole!!

Clear jewel CD cases make an excellent frame/container/display for a small picture/illustration/drawing or piece of creative writing!!

Like calico or a series of canvasses imagine if a group were invited to respond creatively to some story/experience or visual and they drew or wrote on a cd cover sized card.

The card goes into the CD case and then a group of cases could be superglued together side by side and in rows and columns for pairs, small groups or even whole communities.

They wouldn't be too heavy and could be hanged in a gathering space for display once dry!!

Sets of these could be made for tables or groups as stimulus for prayer for others/discussion etc.
In fact for this purpose the images could be printed on CDs as labels to add to the appearance.

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