Sunday, November 11, 2007

Great Viral Advertising Example


highlyeccentric said...

what's so great about that, aside from the fact that she's bouncing around playing the drums ineffectively in a bra?
sure, i can see how it'll get circulated, but something tells me the minds it will stick in most effectively will be *male*... and it's women who they want to buy the things.

also, possibly i'm naieve (wouldn't be the first time), but i completely failed to get the relevance of the sniffing. I thought it was going to be a men's deoderant ad.

Book Crasher said...

Hey highlyecclectic,
It parodies a Cadbury advert and the Duracell gorilla BUT its a girl in bra... so as a 'viral' advert for Wonderbra, blokes will cause it to spread across the planet like wildfire.... hence the "great" comment!!

highlyeccentric said...

Aha, right. I didn't recognise the parody part at all... clearly, i should spend more time watching TV!