Monday, July 26, 2004


Well, apparently its official, call off those e-chats, shut down your gambling syndicate, put the date in your diary!! The final piece of the Star Wars jigsaw puzzle falls into place with the expected release of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith!!
Scheduled for US release on 19 May 2005 it should be a huge film with so much needing to happen to get to the point where Episode IV makes sense.

For those who can't wait apparently Episodes IV, V, and VI will be released on DVD in September 2004.

As a reminder for those unsure what all the fuss is about... George Lucas has given many interviews explaining how he set out to craft a fable [a space western meta narrative] accessing all the aspects of human faiths without offending any particular one. An attempt to examine whatis important about something 'other' then what is seen and obvious, something requiring faith, and essentially a big picture battle of good vs evil across the entire cosmos.

The characters are endearing [except that big mistake known as Jar Jar Binks] and the story is corny enough and action filled enough to satisfy most moviegoers... its the definition of escapism!!

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