Friday, November 11, 2016

"Carols for Compassion" #lovemakesaway

  "Love Makes a Way" is a movement of people who believe it!! That there's got to be a better alternative to the hopelessness, mental anguish, exploitation and punishment of already distressed people seeking asylum in Australia by 'leaky boat.'
   There's no doubt the global problem needs complex solutions but it ought to start with compassion and relief of post traumatic stress. In the 1970s Australia embraced 'the boat people' and we are a richer country for our multiculturalism. What irks me most is not the rhetoric about 'stop the boats' or the drownings BUT it's the fact that suits a political wedge agenda. The Howard Government saw a political opportunity, lied about children overboard and have kept ramping up the hype. Then Labor relaxed the approach, for the right motives, and yes their 'soft on border protection' blah blah blah!!
   This country needs a Forum of skilled people to develop an alternative response, involving the UNHCR and our near neighbours, to replace that awful militarily inspired "Operation Sovereign Borders."
   Leaving all that aside "CHILDREN DON'T BELONG IN DETENTION"  and "CAROLS FOR COMPASSION" is an opportunity to gather with others, to sing and to stand for a better way!!
   Even if you believe our current approach is right you can't possibly be OK with what's happening refugees and asylum seekers in our Detention Centres... if otherwise I'd love to hear how you find those values earthed in the Christian story and the arc of God's siding with the poor that bends towards justice!!

In short, like minded souls can gather for "CAROLS FOR COMPASSION" from 4.45pm Thursday 8th December at Hunter St Newcastle [Office of Federal MP Sharon Claydon]!!

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