Monday, May 25, 2015

'dave' drummer in National Park, Newcastle

   I don't know Gabriel Argiris [drummer from the band 'dave'] but I have heard him play and he's pretty good!! The Newcastle Herald featured a story on him springing from it's 'Topics' page. He lives at Bar Beach in Newcastle but lots of locals complained when he practiced for his band, so the young bloke takes his kit to National Park in Cooks Hill, alongside the outer netball courts adjacent to Oval No5 and therefore outside No2 Sportsground.
   Yesterday we had two rugby grades play rain delayed matches and at first I thought our hip hop supporter grew from last year had brought their boom box to the game, but no, the lone drummer was busy practicing on the grass in the park outside. He's pretty good, it's just quite a surreal juxtaposition. I think he played for about an hour as parents brought kids to the swings, skaters used the outer courts for fun and the weather got decidedly cool and cloudy!!

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