Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Jump Into the Fog" Easter 24 AM

Here's What Might have Happened in the All Together AM Session at "24"
It's probably time to share the ideas!!

Decorations onstage/band in place before 10am Actor in place before start
Images on loop then "24" Digital Clock
Actor 'frozen' onstage
People bring guitar, plectrum, stand etc and muso becomes active
Plays and eventually band joins with 'Blues Brothers' R&B play on for MCs
MC/s enter and sit on comfy lounge
Welcome people to the space Make a few INTROs tbc
Then lead into…
Suggest they didn’t quite know what to expect and what today was going to be like… 
Carlsberg Bikers clip [2mins]
Milk Crate Drama [4] characters including a biblical time traveller
Communal Worship Songs:
One Lord/A Voice is Heard/Let Me Go Down to the River
Activity Energiser: 'Magic Fountain' Art v Science
Movie Collage [5mins]
Setting the Scene/Acknowledgement Indigenous History [Synod Banners]
Didge Music or Gurrumul Clip
Newsreader Live onstage updating the events in Jerusalem
MCs Interview Leaders about Key Aspects of the Day
Communal Worship Songs:
Keeping My Eyes on You/We Will Love
Group Building Activity including 'Clusters'/Music and Questions
Movie Clip "Pillow Fight"
Prayer Response Activity with Flags
MCs explain LUNCH
Communal Worship Songs:
Faith Hope & Love
EXIT band play off

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