Sunday, December 24, 2017

Advent B&W Photo Reflection 24th December 2017

Made it!!
   This has been a terrific discipline for Advent!! Not to 'add a task' to my list BUT to do something that steps aside from the list. As sure as "Christmas Vacation" will be a movie on TV tomorrow night, this time of year is busy. It's been good to 'prepare' for Christmas by noticing the southern hemisphere world around me!! BUT today's photo reflects more on the 'stepping aside' than the hemisphere. This is a photo from September in Times Square NYC!! This young women first sat next to me in Times Square absolutely brimming with people, thousands and thousands, on a busy Saturday night. She was a doppelgänger for Lena Dunham, I suspect a look she was aiming for in some small way.
   As soon as a gap opened up on the stone bench opposite she swooped and pulled out a sketch book and black fineliners and began sketching the lights and crowd with the view towards the jumbotron and the advertising hoardings... they were pretty good sketches. I left 45mins later (after the clearly mentally ill evangelist all dressed in red and the ring and marriage proposal we all got to see on the bleachers above the tkts booth...
   For me it's an image of taking your own time out to intentionally do something you enjoy creating... do that this Christmas!!!

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