While the origins of 'the wave' are disputed its clear that Cricket Australia has learnt little from the Big Day Out's experience of trying to discourage the aussie flag as a weapon of crowd pressure and racial tension [made all the more difficult by it being the second summer a major surf label produced a whole range of gear].
How can you tell a crowd of 40-60,000 Australians NOT TO do "the wave"?
Good luck top them, people have been ejected for starting it... but Melbournians answered by purchasing extra large numbers of those cheesy sombreros... and getting into the wave enthusiastically... at first deated and then in full throttle!!
Yeah yeah... not the spontaneous celebration, not the boredom relief, not the boo-ing at the Members...
What I hate is the plethora of idiots who have half a pie in one hand and half a beer in the other which then ends up in my lap because some bored drunk down the row decided to big note themsleves by starting a mass crowd action...
Only trouble is I don't believe it'll work...
The other reason is that it started as a creative and spontaneous unifying action and has instead become the preserve of buffoons.... it used to be clever to try to get the wave going fluidly and in time... now its a race to throw your salad roll into the lap of the most compliant nearby cricket geek you can find...
Whether at the World Cup Soccer in Mexico, the National Hockey League or Major League Baseball in the US both 6-8 years earlier.... I find it hilarious that Aussie's will so vehemently defend their national right to continue a trashy US cultural sporting practice as though its a significant part of indigenous culture!! Yo!!
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