Thursday, February 01, 2007

Church Noticeboreds

Seems like a great week to promote my effort alongside hundreds of other similar sites... devoted to the task of showing how we the church confirm all our own worst stereotypes with the ridiculous 'humour' we put on our noticeboards...
I collect relevant pictures and happily promote those which are evidence against my premise!!

check it out at

'Jesus loves Osama' is one of those 'Outreach Media' series... most of which are dreadful in my opinion with the ocassional clever offering!!

A church at Petersham has the 'Thank God You're Here' blue wall and door like the TV Show on their outside wall.... an example of good evidence against my theory... very clever!!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

My own personal 'favourite' was the text only sign outside a Baptist Church - "Do you want your eternity smoking or non-smoking?"

The thing which made this almost obscene is that I know (from personal experience) that they *do* believe that millions of people will end up being eternally tortured, yet they make a joke of it... sick.