Thursday, July 11, 2024

"Unleash Greatness" Gruen ABC TV in Oz

 Fascinating in last night's episode of Gruen on ABC TV here in Oz - to hear the panel of advertising 'experts' or 'commentators' wrestling with a Private School TV advert! They felt uneasy at the message some can fulfil their potential and be 'giants' (unleashing greatness) as if suggesting other choices or lack of choice means your children can't fulfil their potential!

Their wrestle seemed to me, entirely the point! The advert was just being clear - we do better, have more resources, can afford to advertise (can't afford not to, maybe) and its about thriving when others may not - it is reinforcing economic advantage and privilege! But that's exactly the values of private schools right? That seems to be very much "on message" (to me) for Private Schools!

Their wrestle prevented some deeper look at the imaging, like all the 'giant' academics or creatives were female - the sport achiever male! A kind of subtle positive discrimination, about target audience! 

Subtle, but a choice!

Log in to watch it on iView here or catch it repeated on ABC TV in coming days! 

Check out the Peninsular Grammar advert here 

Friday, November 24, 2023

The Barney Rustle Blanket

    This week I created a huge mess inside my work satchel/messenger bag! The Crumpler 'Barney Rustle Blanket' had a handful of gold foil wrapped chocolate coins I forgot about, from last Sunday, melted and disintegrated, leaving chocolate coated pens, laptop, newsletters and coins! I have had this 'lifetime guarantee' bag for more than 20 years! It's real! I have only busted some clips on it, caught in a door edge as I walked through or run over by an office chair! I have an iPad satchel one, a larger laptop bag and backpack, but the Barney Rustle has gone the long journey of mission and vocation, symbol of engaging in the neighbourhood, listening and taking stuff I need on the road!

   I emptied the bag and put it through the washing machine cycle, hung it out to dry and 'it's rarely looked better.' All the dusty dirt accumulated through use removed. A shiny red, blue and yellow bag ready for another 5+ years of active service!

'Not Taking Sides!"


    The challenge of 'not taking sides!' Conflict in the Middle East (a sanitised description of ongoing war, oppression and wrong relationship) has been going on my entire life! How will claims to land, territory and existence ever be truly committed to, beyond the story within the Torah?

   Nothing, nothing says the missile attack from Hamas and the death of reported 1300 Israelis in a day is OK! However a decade or more of Palestinian children's deaths is clear provocation. The story of World Council of Churches or other 'accompaniers,' news reports and history show the settlement disruption in the region despite commitments made by Israel and then Hamas is a terrorist organisation (in the tradition of the PLO).

   "Free free Palestine!" is the cry of Palestinians living in diaspora here and elsewhere and it stretches way back beyond the events of recent weeks! I still recall the wonderful spirit and atmosphere at Hunter Stadium when a group of us deliberately chose to attend Palestine's game in the Asia Cup!

   I believe the task for Christians, people following in the way of Jesus (or let me be more specific) my task, is to 'not take sides.' This means there are times of sounding like speaking out for one over another as  the story and media coverage, commentary from politicians etc plays out! The early comments from PM Albanese and the lighting of the Sydney Opera House were in my opinion, over the top!!! It is possible to condemn missile attacks without sounding as if you have no idea why they occurred! 

Yet, it was certainly a moment of madness from Hamas. These things are amplified and made sound even more ridiculous when we hear about 'the rules of war.' 'At least we are civilised enough to rule out certain barbarity, while 'bombing the crap' out each other,' is a pretty low bar!!!

Lastly, its always easy to be an armchair expert and perhaps the simple message ought to be: 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The World Needs More Santas

 Coca Cola feature in Best Ads of the Week, capitalising on their own invention of Santa Claus in RED and WHITE! This one suggesting we can be Santa... maybe there's more than holding a train or opening the half closed shop shutter?

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

"Yes23 Needs work, but not the same blinkered Journalism!


   Last week an article appeared in the #Conservative newspapers, suggesting people coming from a 'No' perspective on the Referendum on Recognition of Aboriginal People in the Constitution and the Voice to Parliament, were increasingly reticent to voice their opinion for fear of the response and being branded racist! How ironic!

There are valid reasons to consider a NO vote:

- You genuinely believe this Constitutional change is racist or divisive

- The Constitution is not the place to reflect this reform

- You are convinced it won't deliver equity for indigenous Australians

- The separation of the 'values behind it' from how it will be established concerns you

This is different to:

- Feeling Aboriginal people get advantages and this is a 'leg up' - which by definition implies 'undeserved' or 'unjustified' special treatment (something Aboriginal people are very familiar with)

- You're  racist, with little or no appreciation of culture/story 

- When challenged you become abusive (yes I'll offer in return)

- It being about your own struggles and perceived lack of 'fairness'

- Appeal to the ideal we are all equal why divide us, the genuine case study version of a perspective shared from white privilege, whatever 'opportunities' you feel aren't open to you.
Equity is different to equality.

- You don't have 'the details' which is a distraction, where when details are offered we argue about them instead of the principle at hand eg. should it be 24 or 26 representatives when it's very existence is the main point and questions like this will vary as its effectiveness is measured. Details changeable, principle fixed as a solution generously asked for by aboriginal people themselves

- Not understanding who the few public aboriginal 'No' voices speak for

- And a few more...

   I'm reflecting on this today because I'm having some fruitful measured conversations with people genuinely open to learn or share and some idiot social media exchanges parroting memes and what are perceived to be funny quotable quotes (as above) avoiding the issues and applicable to all people, masquerading as wisdom or humour, when the quote is just about us all at some point or other...

   But even more, the same articles appeared around the plebiscite into 'Marriage Equality' and could have just had the topic 'cut and pasted,' even if the research is real! Maybe just as 'Yes' enthusiasts are invited to share generously and around enquiry, those feeling 'No' might simply offer their questions or concerns, open to hear alternative views. If that meets with threatening or negative feedback, call it out! But please, journalists, your vehicles editorial bias is showing! How about instead of 'gotcha' details questions, you ask people's perspective on the detail which exists, tell the story of indigenous people and invite them to tell it first, ask the No politicians which aboriginal leaders they have consulted with and whether, for example, being on a Mining Company Board effects your opinion on the interplay between mining permissions, traditional owners and 'The Voice.' Ask how a former Government who commissioned a 'shape of the Voice' report doesn't recall what it said!

   By all means ask about the kinds of valid reasons for 'No,' some of which are above... but don't subject us to the same 'cookie cutter' articles we've seen on previous issues. 

Thursday, June 01, 2023

"We live in an Economy, not a Community!"

       It's all called 'trickle down Economics' but whichever way you describe it, "the rich get richer, the poor get the picture!" When I took up my vocation of ministry of Youth Worker I wondered if I'd ever use my Bachelor of Economics and genuine interest in the values and machinations it involves, again? 

   Slowly over the last 2 decades it became clear theology and economics would sit together in exploring the values of our western democratic societies and the nature of 'community' within them. Early on even the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," made fun of the term 'Voodoo Economics.' It's known as 'trickle down theory' or the Morrison and former Coalition Government's embrace of the idea if you offer Stage 3 Tax Cuts to our wealthiest, slash business tax rates and repeat the words 'small business' over and over then the economic benefits to corporations will ‘trickle down' to those on lower wages, unemployed or strugglers, by the invisible hand of the market economy.

   The removal of tariffs and a wholehearted pursuit of 'free trade' agreements is called 'levelling the playing field' when in fact it is more like climbing a mountain or traversing a 'mine field.' It has meant Fiscal policy (the levers Government uses) and Monetary Policy (the dollar and the role of the Reserve Bank) have become limited in what they can do to alter events. Our current 'cost of living' pressures reflect a drive to lower Taxes and less instruments available to Government to deal with issues.

   In the privatisation world, housing has become a retirement investment, so there isn't sufficient housing for everyone and it's become a chronic shortage. Just this week I learnt the Boulevarde Apartments in Hamilton are being used for social or affordable public housing the crisis is so severe. People in the 'housing and homelessness' area for 30 years find themselves advocating for 'safe car sleeping zones' as credible options, things are so bad.

   "If you have a go, you get a go!" our former PM famously said, "we are a nation of lifters, not leaners" offered the Treasurer as Government sought to strip back 'everything.' Including we learn, the Public Service wage bill in Canberra, whilst spending billions on Consultants. They'd use words like nimble or responsive, while allowing said firms to 'rort' and act corruptly. This includes auditing programs and spending on projects they recommend!

   BUT this is all just narrative around the bigger implications! We as people are regarded as part of the economy, a privatised market, where disadvantage puts you behind to begin with and then amplifies poverty, lack of education and skills. It tears the fabric of our society as we judge people harshly, when to ‘have a go' requires the resources to draw from, to get moving in the first place!

   Created in God's image, salt of the earth, we have inherent value as people and space to thrive in community which our very system crushes and makes impossible for many. It reinforces judgement against those who can't 'lift themselves up.' It creates division and causes angry people to target the vulnerable, like most recent hysteria around the 'trans community.' 

   We need to gather power to challenge the notions: everything can be privatised and equate to a dollar value; efficiency of the NDIS means it costs less; Jobseekers are bludgers; big corporations have our best interests at heart v shareholders and highly paid managers; and much more...

   Even in our economic terms I cringe every time a TV or radio journalist equates the Budget of our country with a household, regarding deficits as problematic! It's like an episode of 'Utopia!' Infrastructure built from debt leaves a legacy… 

   At the 'grassroots' of community we need to: see value in every person; regard them as having challenges and problems in need of our help; we need to strive for equity or access to resources, not the false notion of equality being 'shouted' as part of the distraction in the discussion around a 'Voice to Parliament' - an advisory body to better reflect solutions to problems in the indigenous community or ways to better capitalise,  on their natural affinities and advantages! Vote YES, to heal the scar on the soul of this country!

People are people, not economic units

Banks squeezing people for fees and interest make billions as do their managers

Government has a role in community or society, not just the economy. e.g. Squeezing TAFE in favour of private colleges - how did that work out - voodoo economics! Most went broke and now we need to reinvest in TAFE to skill our trades!

There is a place for an informed 'church' voice in the public square if we are willing to 'roll up our sleeves' and take action, not just preaching morals (or even ethics, the more accurate descriptor)!

We still need 'safety nets', public housing, public transport, services, infrastructure, roads, investment etc to cover for our natural disadvantages in a so called 'free trade' world!

Addition: a tweet today regarding small Government in Australia, preferring PWC consultants to public servants

Can we just put to bed forever the neoliberal concept of ‘small government’. #PwC scandal proves it’s all a giant rort geared to giving an elite corporate cohort a licence to print money at the taxpayer expense. It’s not more efficient, it’s corrupt. #rnbreakfast

Monday, May 29, 2023

Cafe setting Worship 'Voice' + Pentecost

    Would you believe, we held our Pentecost worship on Sunday around the Tables in the church building, used for Bill's Place Cafe and our Op Shop ($8 coffee an cake + cheap clothes and bric a brac) and I was too focused on leading and scene setting to take a single photo? Oh well!

   We had two themes" Exploring 'The Voice' to Parliament and 'Pentecost' through stories of our experiences... and a few reflections will stay with me:

- There's so much more to hearing God than preaching and stories are powerful, which I've always known

- Most stories I heard relayed reflected a supernatural element of exploring God's Spirit (I'll have to chase more conversation in search of the ordinary everyday stories which may have been shared

- Any number of people don't remember being told Pentecost meant 50th (day since Easter)

- Cafe style proved not to be a choice of style over substance and the conversations at Tables were vibrant and energetic in both building community and in exploring the themes

- As well as reinforcing that day, the 'good news' was heard in people's own language (a theme I'll expand on this coming week, instead of justifying a doctrine of trinity on a selected Sunday) but I also agree with Nadia Bolz Weber's brilliant reflection, it was heard in languages people didn't understand, so we are reminded we don't control the message and God breaks out in undisciplined, wild, spontaneous ways. I'm still not talking about pentecostal spirit language, just that God acts and speaks in ways that surprise those who would rather control the message or media! So we will celebrate the colour red at least one more week and dwell further on both themes

- Where two 'versions' of the shared breath or wind of the Spirit were shared, this is a clear invitation to reflect on our own experiences today.

- Grounded questions remain an important way to foster learning for life long discipleship e.g. Asking when people have seen us engage, explore and experience indigenous culture and story and asking about a time they've experienced God's Spirit in action are better questions than hypothetical ones about what this would be like

- Lucky I took some photos of the set up in our traditional front space to set the scene

*I almost forgot, the laughable idea a national call to a period of prayer, resourced by the UCA, sends an email with a video at 8.15am on Sunday, for use that day. I'm sure people are working hard but that takes last minute prep to a new high! But hey, what would I know...

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Affirmations, Learnings and Rubbish

    Time to re-enliven my blog! Maybe an unreliable frequency of reflections on the world, sport and life! I'm thinking this week about a range of annoying things: like my reflection on Sunday 'we live in an economy not a community' which reflects the reality neo liberal 'trickle down economics' bullish*t comes from a place  of everything being dollar valued, and money, global economy and trade, deciding what is valuable... Then there is the insidious and poisonous impact of Murdoch's News Ltd legitimising 'cookers', conspiracy theorists and "right wing nut jobs" in heavily subsidised media, plus newspapers with divisive headlines, rubbish writing and a legitimising of fringe views, racism and argument as the norm!

   I'm constantly grateful for heartfelt affirmation about things I'm doing 'almost without thinking,' which is perhaps the best way to subdue yourself and focus on the 'main thing.' It's still time to  shut up more often and listen! I've been thinking again about some writing. It won't happen, I don't have the patience, though I'd like to write about mission from the standpoint of having lived through the decades we examine to describe our context. Nobody wants to read a book I would write!

   I'm learning about strategic focus, organising my workload differently and prioritising some meetings with individuals in the community. Hopefully there will be some space to plan this over a few months to meet 'the right people' to advance things we are working on. I'm learning about working with my gym sessions, dodgy back and healthier approach... as well as new ways to take space, like a stop off at the beach car park to take in the view and spend minutes not hours just recharging.

   Having written about some rubbish, the biggest is the opposition to 'The Voice!' in this country. I'll break all the 'how to talk to people' rules and suggest I have not heard a single valid reason to not vote 'YES.' I've heard plenty of talk, distractions, falsehoods, just no good reason!



Friday, March 03, 2023

40 Photos 'Elliot'

 Elliot is a design student at University who came to Newcastle from Perth to study under one of the fine Lecturers. He is also of aboriginal descent and while not an Awabakal man, he is interested in local groups and how to engage with communities supportive of 'The Uluru Statement from the Heart.'

Can we play a role in connecting Elliot with Awabakal folk or introduce him to our most ardent advocates for 'voice, treaty, truth' and Wesley Mission's Indigenous Advocate or the City of Newcastle Advocacy Team. Then this might also be an opportunity to meet with Elliot and Sean Gordon, whose design company employs indigenous people and is based at Wickham!

40 Photos 'Jazz'

 Jazz is a student at the local High School studying comparative religions and looking for people's stories to tell. Who might we suggest she contact and speak to in exploring why faith matters to people? She is a member of the Amnesty International group at her school and we have participated in letter writing in past years. Is there a chance to collaborate with the school next campaign? Could they also be invited to meet with the 'Grandmothers for Refugees' and attend their weekly Civic Park vigil Thursdays 5pm or Wednesdays first week of the month?

40 Photos 'Della'

 Della was a refugee as a child and her family are not included in the recent decision 19,000 can apply for permanent residency. They are still in limbo, unable to work or study, doing odd jobs in their neighbourhood for cash but wondering what the future holds. Who do we write to advocating for Della and her family? Can we link them up through Mosaic Multicultural Connections or Mayfields Refuge Hub?

40 Photos 'Max'

    Imagine Max, with his unique reading glasses and himalayan beanie, a performance poet from Adelaide who travels the country in a camper van, doing shows in pubs and local schools! He spends winter at the snow fields yet is sometimes quite lonely on the road. Pictured here he has been performing during the Festival of Sydney and enjoying the harbour town but wonders how many more months he will be travelling this year. Max would happily perform at events to grow community, focus on justice and making the world a better place... Do we have an event he could open or contribute to?

"40 Photos"

    Lent derived from Lencten or lengthen, refers to northern hemisphere winter and a time to spend 40 days (not counting Sundays) in the lead up to Easter - living with more simplicity as a time of reflection! Why? It mirrors Jesus heading into wilderness where he was tested... preparing for the journey to Jerusalem, which cost Jesus his life! The 'tests' were invitations to grab power for personal gain, freedom or temporary relief from circumstances (a kind of partial solution) which Jesus rejected, quoting wisdom from the ancient Scriptures to explain - instead choosing vulnerability and faith... echoing the story of Israel wandering for 40 years and failing to choose well...

Here Jesus shows 'the way...'

Here are 40 photos of people from different cultures, places, different ages. Thy invite you to use your imagination and make up their back story... What might be their name? What is their story? How do they feel about spirituality and faith? 

What would they ask about the Easter story if they had the chance?

What might God’s inexhaustible love mean in their lives and communities? 

How might a community of Jesus followers being like ‘salt’ and ‘light’ draw this out?

Friday, December 23, 2022

Contemporary Nativity Scenes 2022

   For some years I've wanted to post some images as a collection of Nativity scenes reminding us this story is all about context! The 700 year wait, the middle east tensions, this invention for the story championed by St Francis of Assisi - because as we all know:

No stable, no donkey, how many visitors from the East?, no Innkeeper, how many under 2s were slaughtered, what Census...? It goes on reminding us this literary myth where Matthew is at pains to parallel the story of Moses...

   Anyhow, there's much more to say and I'm not pulling the story down... on the contrary I'm hoping we can hear it for all it's worth! The story of God one of us, here now! God who says everyone is counted, even young girls, the poor, people from a small place, the strugglers and all of us! More to follow!

"O Little Town of Bethlehem"

Things are not what they were in Bethlehem! With Middle Eastern conflict and Israel fuelling discontent, constructing a massive wall and checkpoints, settlements and more...

Peace activists and networks have a way of cutting through...  maybe we'll sing it in coming weeks!

O little town of Bethlehem,
How still we see thee lie!
Above thy deep and restless sleep,
a missile glideth by
While children weep in shallow sleep
for friends who are no more
How silently, how silently
their hope has gone away
No laughter rings, no choir sings
in shepherds’ fields this day
The angels in the heavens
are hushed in sad lament
the holy child forced into exile
finds Herod won’t relent
O holy child of Bethlehem,
descend on us we pray
Your love bring down on David’s town,
drive fear and hate away
Awake the ire of nations,
let justice be restored
Rebuild the peace in silent streets
where once your love was born
O broken town of Bethlehem your people long for peace,
But curfews, raids and barricades have brought them to their knees
Yet still they long for justice, and still they make their stand.
Their hopes and fears still echo down the years
Come heal this holy land.
O holy child of Bethlehem, a royal refugee.
Your place of birth, now hell on earth, through our complicity.
The innocents still suffer, their backs against the wall.
We see the crime, the pain and death
And choose to ignore it all.
O holy streets of Bethlehem, where watch towers block our view.
With armoured cars and tanks and guns so no one can go through.
The market place stands empty. The fruit rots on the tree.
While loving families strive to build
A life of dignity.
O hopeful town of Bethlehem quite soon your day will come
When tanks go back to Israel and prison walls are gone.
Go tell it on the mountain and spread it o’er the plain
The ancient land of Palestine
A nation once again.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Interactive Christmas 2022 Station 4

 Station 4. "Photo Reflection News 2022"

Time to observe and reflect and pray about the news here and across the world for 2022!

Just a simple opportunity for you also to think of people, places you know...

Interactive Christmas 2022 Station 3

Station 3. "World Map and Tea light Candles"

Lit or unlit, place a candle anywhere in the world you believe needs our prayers and/or God in action.

Let's be careful with any Children and lit Candles but this always creates a significant stunning image! 

Interactive Christmas 2022 Station 2

"Play dough symbols of God's Love" 

Everyone is an artist, when it comes to play dough and shaping a simple symbol!

I've seen people make trees, hearts, a hand symbol, a sun, or two people figures, a flower, who knows!

It's a simple way to spend time reflecting on what the symbol means to you...

Leave them together on the table...

Interactive Christmas 2022 Station 1


"Station 1 "Hope & Longing in the Manger"

The manger is a symbol, as if all the world's trouble, missed opportunities, our struggles and everything needing hope, joy, peace and love is stuffed in there and love was born into it all! Can we write our hopes & longings on a strip of paper and add it to the manger... Pens and paper are there, maybe grab a book to lean on and write your hopes... taking a turn to place it there...

10mins max, consider social distancing for safety as well!

Christmas Worship Hamilton Uniting Church 2022

   Christmas holds so many truths all at once, as it has for thousands of years. Matthew wrote with strong intention to place Jesus story in 
parallel with that of Moses, reflecting also Isaiah's prophetic tradition. In this way the details, taught as concrete literal truth, get in the way of what this story might just be about... God One Of Us Here Now! Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, leads us to look with several new lenses at the story we’ve heard since we were toddling around in pajamas. "There’s the beauty of a young family shepherding a new life into the world, amid brutal oppression from a power-hungry empire. There’s the unwed teenage girl who’s told she will carry the savior of the world while a disdainful religious culture watches her belly swell. Through it all, we get a glimpse at Mary’s fierce desire to honor her Creator, and the tremendous power held in the way she accepts this divine assignment." 

As Nadia takes us through the Christmas story, she points out how God moves through the world by turning the notions of “power” and “blessing” upside down while lifting up the voiceless and the oppressed, reminding us that “being ‘blessed’ means seeing God in the world and trusting that God is at work even in things we can’t see, understand, or imagine.” (adapted from Jen Hatmaker)

   Can love be born again in a manger full of all the problems in our world today? Can we know we are all daughters and sons of God as we live out the call to join God in the neighbourhood?

   The Nativity image above invites what all this means, a story in context, note all the hidden clues to meaning in the image, don't stop at 10-12 subtle inclusions...

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"TOP GUN Maverick" Spoiler Alert

"The machismo posturing of elite flyboys and the joys of male camaraderie" is how film reviewers Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat highlighted their article on the original 1986 Tony Scott directed film "Top Gun." I was 25 when I saw the film at least twice at the Cinema and half a dozen more times on VHS video at various movie night sleepovers! I was in the process of trying to leave the Steelworks, finish a part time Economics Degree and the incredulous plot, stunts, acting, humour and bravado of this film summed up the spirit of the times. We loved it, in all it's escapist, mysoginistic, jingoism!

It's been a long time coming (including pandemic delay) and I can't possibly see "TOP GUN Maverick" and know how you'd experience it compared to the original. I worked hard to go with no expectations, beyond articles and interviews trumpeting CGI-less authentic flying scenes...

To see this film and fully appreciate it 
means suspending judgement about:
- faceless enemy pilots blacked out masks + 'superior' jets
- The absence of actors Kellie McGillis + Meg Ryan
- suspending belief, rules & wisdom about who lives or dies

But it's cinema, storytelling, make believe and escapism! For that I give this movie 5 Stars! 
The best films have a good story and try not to get in its way, a cast who fit the roles AND they take you on an emotional roller coaster! Miles Teller (who will win an Academy Award one day) is perfectly cast as "Rooster," the son of "Goose" who was killed in a flight accident (hitting his head on the canopy after activating the ejector seat) with 'Maverick' as Pilot in the original film!

To me, it isn't corny, it pays homage to music and the original iconic scenes, even beach volleyball! 
It's still a flyboy film, but with a female and culturally diverse 'Top Guns' returning to train for an impossible mission! Of course I liked "Bob!" The old fashioned picture walls and nostalgia work!

The fact I had tears in my eyes through much of the film puts me right back in 1986 with all it's upheaval, emotion an growing to be done! It meant I was invested in the characters, able to escape any cynicism in the predictable yet surprising film. It was clever and creative. 
I can't stand the length of films today, but this one was over fast, without distraction and I'd see it again in the Cinema! I found it to be incredibly sad, poignant and heartwarmingly funny!
It has to be said, Tom Cruise knows how to pilot these films, just like a obsolete F-14 with a twist (or is that a roll)!

Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw "My dad believed in you. I'm not going to make the same mistake"

Rear Admiral "Thirty-plus years of service. Combat medals. Citations. Only man to shoot down three enemy planes in the last 40 years. Yet you can't get a promotion, you won't retire, and despite your best efforts, you refuse to die. You should be at least a two-star Admiral by now, yet here you are. Captain. Why is that?" [pause] Maverick "It's one of life's mysteries, sir"

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Federal Election Forum for Newcastle

   We held a Federal Election Forum at Hamilton Uniting Church 7pm Wednesday 4th May as host to participation in our community, to be in the public square fostering questions and answers so the community could have informed participation in our democratic processes, regardless of being a 'safe' Labor Seat with just over 13% margin in 2019! 
    My role was that of Organiser/Facilitator/Moderator, giving each Candidate 2mins for Introduction, then over the audience for Question each would have opportunity to answer as they chose. I have spent some time processing my observations of the evening, aware it's tricky to unpack and comment, having worked hard to give all equal time! 
    I can report, like two previous Forums in the Seat of Hunter, it is difficult to directly contact Candidates locally beyond the sitting Member, who has a staff, though it can be a week before response, which you haev more confidence in receiving. 

 Candidates via Electoral Commission at close of nominations 
 1. Sharon Claydon ALP replied, attended, participated 
2. Charlotte McCabe GREENS replied, attended, participated 
3. Emily Brollo ANIMAL JUSTICE replied, attended, participated 
4. Garth Pywell INDEPENDENT replied, attended, participated once I found direct contact 
5. Mark Watson PAULINE HANSON’S ONE NATION replied, attended, participated 
6. William Hussey INFORMED MEDICAL OPTIONS PARTY replied late in the afternoon, attended, participated 
 7. Katrina Wark LIBERAL never replied, rang the day after to explain absence - work project deadlines 
8. Amanda Cook UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY never replied 

    I offered an Acknowledgement of Country and a few Opening Remarks, mostly to values set and lay out the process to best allow a constructive conversation, answering the why are we hosting question on the way... 

Tonight, we acknowledge the custodians of the land and waterways, holders of wisdom, story and culture where we gather - the Awabakal and Worimi people. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. Here we value opportunities like the Ngramma Vigil at King Edward Park, to sit and listen to truth telling AND the Gimbay Gatigaan (or Friendly Mud Crab) story sharing at Throsby Creek, Carrington Parklands (even with the rain) here we are aware of our neighbours, Awabakal Medical Services and local Pre School. 

  A Few Remarks to “Set the Scene” Why is Hamilton Uniting Church hosting the Forum? 
We try to engage in our community. It includes Hamilton HIVE Community Hub next door AND “Bill’s Place” Op Shop & Tea Rooms, here -$7 cuppa and cake, five days a week, so we hear people’s stories - hurts and hopes across the community. 

 Flyn (for this story) came here experiencing homelessness, rough sleeping, not asking for money but looking for something of value to contribute, asking only a shower, help getting his clothes washed. Buckets of pebbles to stop weeds in our gardens and trimmed hedges, coffee and cake, Care in a shoebox package of toiletries and food in which we partner in with Hunter Homeless Connect, Wesley Mission and City of Newcastle later Flyn was grateful but we received more than we gave. 

One of our Mob donated a bike for us to sell and use the money for others. It sold for $100 on Marketplace in about 15 mins before Christmas. 5 minutes later Liz messaged, was it still available? She had a bike stolen which meant no rides to the beach with her daughter in the school holidays. We bought another bike with the proceeds to drop off, to their home in Hamilton South public housing 

Stories of the pressures of living with a shared public dimension, which we can’t genuinely meet without collaborators or bringing together organisations or people with resources and the power to change things. 
    Lastly, A working definition of POLITICS is ‘work’ or ethics done in public. It’s what emerges in the interactions between people and is not inherently corrupt, partisan or solely about compromise - those are all choices. 
   On a range of issues from First Peoples Voice, Treaty and Truth – action on climate change – to safety for refugees and people seeking asylum – economic participation for all, the Uniting Church nationally advocates flourishing life for all people and the environment, in a more just Australia. 
   We participate in the public square because as well as the dominance of the economy and shrinking role of government, there is civil society or work done in public, for the common good. 
   Tonight is about respectfully listening, ideas, policy, questions and answers... 
 Questions and Answers Context, not speeches or simply comments 
Invite general or particular Respectful listening Microphone, so everyone can hear you and participate + chairs... 

 I've run three Forums in notional safe Labor Seats and either had no contact and/or no participation by a Coalition Candidate. The Greens have been articulate, clear and know their Policies, with good local connections and participate confidently. 
   Charlotte MCabe was committed to what the science of climate change requires of us in response to global warming, brought journalistic experience to commentary on wider issues and was able to respond to the few more testy interjections from the One Nation and Medical Options Candidates. 
   Emily Brollo had seen Candidates elected from a wholistic philosophy around just agriculture and experimentation, consumption and diet as they relate to the treatment of animals. Her values were clear and consistent and I was greatful she felt the values setting and Introduction created a safe space for dialogue. The one change I would make to the process was to take the mid session break and change the speaking order in part 2. 
   Garth Pywell's key motivation emerged as community engagement and consultation in democracy, town hall meetings on issues and 'change' as a motif vs 'more of the same. 
   Mark Watson is 'having a real crack' for Pauline Hanson's One Nation. A couple of personal interjections went a little too far and enthusiastic supporters do not legitimise a policy stance built on racism, jingoism, and macho nationalistic feelings misplaced as to blame or solutions, Mark's advocacy for small business, mining and miners gives voice to many peoples concerns in a 21st C economy needing to take a/c of CO2 levels. At the same time, in response to questions around 'Uluru Statement from the Heart,' One Woman a week in Australia dying from domestic violence and the flaws in the Family Court System ... a platform, value or outlook of "equality for everyone" fails to address existing inequalities, ignoring them in favour of meaningless statements. 
   Bill Hussey from "informed Medical Options' basically stands against 'no jab, no job' asking questions about the efficacy of the vaccine, profits for big pharma and Inquiries into the whol pandemic response in relation to those who've missed out on support or the creation of one rule for some. As former military and a Solicitor, Bill's answer on the Family Court was a helful response, as was Charlotte's suggestion of an Independent Body who drive the processes. Questions about who did and didn't receive economic support and whether vaccines are delivering what we hoped are valid questions. I couldn't help feel despite this, the driver of involvement around personal freedom above community responsibility carries underpinning values around "fairness" based in selective selfishness. 
But that's just my intuitive response. 
   Sharon Claydon is an active articulate local Labor member who took opportunity to outline key policies, to talk point of difference with others without doing so adversarily and worked with the equal time principle admirably. Target of a couple of unhelpful comments, Sharon stuck to the issues and ideas. On Refugees, Labor are wedged by the issues while light years ahead of LNP in empathy and compassion. On the Climate, likewise, yet not at levels the science asks. 
   This is where Politics is the art of the possible or compromise, revealing a part of the weakenss or our adversarial system. In all I believe a wide range of issues were canvassed and those in attendance had opportunity to hear exactly what each Candidate was offering and although we ran out of time for a final one or two questions we hit 8.33pm so wrapped up, offered thanks and headed into some informal chit chat and headed home!

Friday, November 05, 2021

100 Favourite Films I've Watched

    Inspired by David Stratton's new book, I'm starting to draft my list of '100 Favourite Films I've Watched' and I may update the draft list OR come back at the end!!!

I'll kick it off with (only in order they come to mind so far)

1. Shawshank Redemption

2. Chariots of Fire

3. The Dead Poets Society

4. Midnight Run

5. The Pink Panther

6. Star wars Ep IV A New Hope

7. National Lampoon's Vacation

8. Stripes

9. Diehard

10. The Blues Brothers

Thursday, September 23, 2021

50 Favourite Songs I Like to Listen To

A recent story of a 250 people poll of 'best' songs got me thinking... 

My favourite 50! Not best, favourite... songs I like to listen to: 
(only 50)
  1. The Dead Heart Midnight Oil
  2. Warakurna Midnight Oil
  3. Hercules Midnight Oil
  4. The Sound of White Missy Higgins
  5. Weather With You Crowded House
  6. Where the Streets Have No Name U2
  7. Bad U2
  8. Yesterday The Beatles
  9. From Little Things Big Things Grow Paul Kelly
  10. Leaps and Bounds Paul Kelly
  11. Flame Trees Cold Chisel
  12. Below My Feet Mumford & Sons
  13. The Wood Song Indigo Girls
  14. God Only Know The Beach Boys
  15. These Are Days 10,000 Maniacs
  16. The Long Ride The Audreys
  17. Throw Your Arms Around Me Hunters & Collectors
  18. Viva La Vida Coldplay
  19. Clocks Coldplay
  20. The Thing About Grief Is Claire Bowditch
  21. Rolling in the Deep Adele
  22. Sometimes Alex Lloyd
  23. These Days Powderfinger
  24. Departures Bernard Fanning
  25. The Great Leap Forward Billy Bragg
  26. True Colors* Cyndi Lauper
  27. Lonely Boy The Black Eyed Peas
  28. Don't You Think It's Time Bob Evans
  29. If I Had a Rocket Launcher Bruce Cockburn
  30. I Keep Faith (solo version) Billy Bragg
  31. Candle in the Wind Elton John
  32. Landslide The *Dixie Chicks
  33. Lanterns Birds of Tokyo
  34. Elevator Operator Courtney Barnett
  35. Salt David Bridie
  36. Don't Carry It All The Decemberists
  37. Life for Rent Dido
  38. April Sun in Cuba Dragon
  39. The A Team Ed Sheeran
  40. Shake It Out (acoustic) Florence + the Machine
  41. I Was Born Blind Gurrumul
  42. American Idiot Green Day
  43. Don't Change INXS
  44. Better Than The John Butler Trio
  45. Middle of the Hill Josh Pike
  46. The Captain Kasey Chambers
  47. Born This Way Lady Gaga
  48. Tennis Court Lorde
  49. Touch Steve Balbi
  50. Fifteen Taylor Swift

Monday, November 23, 2020

Rugby Test Los Pumas v Wallabies 21.11.20 Newcastle Part 2 Second Half Attack

 The 2nd Half starts with a territorial kicking duel indicating both coaches half time speech included a call to play 'in their half' because players can retain those words for about 5 minutes! Wallabies attack the short side on a call from Michael Hooper after they earn a penalty advantage BUT the pass to the winger, instead of running hard and straight, is too high and is spilled, though we go back for the penalty and kick for field position and line out throw. As I said, they stand too close together, evidenced by this line out!
The Thrower knows it, trying to seperate them, throws it and we lose the ball off the top of the catch!

Pressing from the penalty we drive deep into Pumas territory and draw a penalty for not releasing the ball in the ruck, after three penalties and warning, that player spends 10 mins in the 'sin bin.'
43.55 gone on the clock, penalty kick 12-6 Wallabies
The Wallabies choose the wrong option 46th min but Sanchez misses the penalty shot

Next passage of play the Wallabies go through their attacking options and the Pumas are rushing up and meeting them, good play all around. The Wallabies go right through their three player set ups, out the back to the number 12 from second phase. They come back left with Hoopers good pass and go through the same pattern again... this time White could have kept going right but coming back left the defence is up on Korebete who is again wider and this time drops the ball... we get it back in next phases but now we are in the grind of the game with 15 on 15 again post sin bin. We closed the line out gap and Argentina drive centre field but knock on a few phases of play on.... subs take the field across the next minutes...
Wallabies go right lacking numbers
Wallabies come back left from White's pass
Ball to Hooper and wider to Korobete
Korobete and a three on two
Wallabies go back right
White to come back left to Hooper again
Korobete too wide and can't hold on

54th Minute Wallabies grab a line out ball, go centre field and put up a high ball with great chase, pinning Argentina on their line, drawing a 'not releasing the ball' ruck penalty. As well as Hodge copping a backhander, Hooper nearly gets his head ripped off at the ruck. Penalty Kick 15-6 Wallabies!
56 mins gone! It's now showing steadier rain and has been for a while!

From here you should go on to win the game...
Kicks back and forward, Wallabies knock on from a speculative pop up by the tackled second rower (second rowers should never pop up a ball to a number 10 in the wet if they haven't called for it.
Penalty Argentina now in a scrum with a sub in the front row and wet ground...
Attacking line out is a 'dockyard brawl' but Wallabies drive the defensive maul and a tall kick puts the Pumas on attack on our line, we gather and drive then clear with box kick but the Pumas step and run into attack but knock on.  Rob Simmons is having a good game, for someone lucky to be an experienced head in a young side, who some would not pick on form (including me)! Scrum penalty Argentina and they take a shot at goal. 15-9 to Wallabies...

A few changes to both teams... Angus Bell who can play is on BUT in my humble opinion Waratahs play harry Johnson Holmes Loose head prop and he is here not Bell. This is going to be a battle in coming years as both have good skills and toughness... Waratahs had HJH swap sides for them and he's good but it does sap more energy and effect your open play and role.

65th minute ten phases going the left and we knock on... 
Play and kicks too and fro and Pumas get a midfield penalty from the replacement winger holding the ball after falling awkwardly isolated in the ruck. Sanchez lands it from halfway 15-12 Wallabies.
Argentina play a ball control and kicking game, we return it but it come back to us. From a kick Koribete is bumped, the Puma knock on but he is then offside, penalty 15-15 10 mins to go. 
Great 60m kick from Banks to clear, linnet not straight but ref misses it, long kick to us and Argentina's defence goes to work, box kick, smashed and we get advantage and scrum! Play goes on and we advantage, kicking deep, back for the penalty. 4 mins to go, Hodge steps up and misses the clutch kick. This will be cited as why we lost, it wasn't... the next 4mins are not controlled well, this would have obviously helped... it remains 15-15 with 2mins to go... 22m drop out.

The drop kick is caught here and Banks returns with a high ball! Look at the space he has... if he runs straight he has forwards to help. If passes left they can get something going down the left and yes maybe risk a good tackle, if he goes right Hodge might get isolated mid field. I would want him to run straight, looking to pass left or be met by defence with the help of those forwards in front of him. There 2mins 10 left. The kick doesn't challenge ( a bit short) Argentina clear with a box kick and Banks gets it again and kicks. 

This deeper and the marks the ball, meaning hands off and he gets to kick it again... he kicks into touch and here Banks takes the quick line out throw.. two isolated players albeit at the wrong end of the field... Hodge kicks it high and Wallabies give good chase but Pumas catch and then ruck it forward. They hold it in to 79mins 30 and box kick, the defender chasing punches the ball out of Hodges hands. Paisami fields it midfield and makes a good run, advantage over for the knock on. Ball goes right quickly, all good, Petaia kicks ahead hard on attack BUT there's only 15secs left...

Here he has two players outside and one defender (who would consider the sideline his friend and cover would cross) but he also has Korobete on his inside shoulder. The ball is grounded in goal and Sanchez goes down for an injured leg (maybe cramp or a knock). The siren sounds! Play is held up but ref gives hurry up... Pumas fake a 22m drop, Sanchez back on his feet, drop out, now we run centre field, ball goes wide right and Pumas grind in defence. Short side right... the ball was stolen from Hannigan (who played strongly_ Pumas kick through and chase as Gordon is forced to take the ball out! game over 15-15...

Thanks for reading, it helps me move on from disappointment to have a second look at these games and work out what we were trying to do and what worked or didn't!