Thursday, July 11, 2024

"Unleash Greatness" Gruen ABC TV in Oz

 Fascinating in last night's episode of Gruen on ABC TV here in Oz - to hear the panel of advertising 'experts' or 'commentators' wrestling with a Private School TV advert! They felt uneasy at the message some can fulfil their potential and be 'giants' (unleashing greatness) as if suggesting other choices or lack of choice means your children can't fulfil their potential!

Their wrestle seemed to me, entirely the point! The advert was just being clear - we do better, have more resources, can afford to advertise (can't afford not to, maybe) and its about thriving when others may not - it is reinforcing economic advantage and privilege! But that's exactly the values of private schools right? That seems to be very much "on message" (to me) for Private Schools!

Their wrestle prevented some deeper look at the imaging, like all the 'giant' academics or creatives were female - the sport achiever male! A kind of subtle positive discrimination, about target audience! 

Subtle, but a choice!

Log in to watch it on iView here or catch it repeated on ABC TV in coming days! 

Check out the Peninsular Grammar advert here 

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