Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Winter Camp Day Three

So last night we survived: a brilliant roast dinner; the campfire and/or movie "How to Train Your Dragon"!! This morning it's cold and overcast but hasn't prevented archery and vertical challenge after our whole group gathering this morning.
We reflected on blessings, excuses and motivation for Acting Up' where after the band led communal singing we were invited to list at least nine ways we felt blessed and compared this to the Matthew 5 Beatitudes and us...
The clip 'Kiwi' encouraged us to have a go... And Bradon spoke about letting go of excuses and the story of the rich young person and anther we can give up our stuff to be a blessing to others. Can we be not just 'not bad' but be good, can we be surprising rather than just 'not disappointing'... We listed excuses as we listened/watched 'What I've Done' by Linkin Park and these excuses were noted and then burnt in the drum fire to wipe the slate clean and start over...
'Lost Generation' started our thinking about who we might be and the young blokes final answer to the question What's your greatest fear? Was left to inspire us beyond this wee, beyond tomorrow's excursion to Sydney and into next week and our everyday lives...

We finished with the brilliantly inspiring clip 'Pray for You' as we headed off to morning tea... Interestingly we were reminded that when the rich young person asked 'how do I enter into heaven?' Jesus redirected his answers to offer, how you enter into life and how you can act towards being all you can be... Clever bloke!! And also inviting what our focus and priorities should be...

Clips to follow soon...

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