Wednesday, November 18, 2009

[10] Resources to Change the World

Here's a sneak peak of a fun article for our next MESH Magazine... which will also include my previous post. In this case it's a reflection that simple ideas can build on what's actually important in relational ministry and mission...

[10] Resources to Change the World
While resources are important for events, programs or groups, there are some simple ideas which can open up limitless possibilities for ministry and mission with young people. To illustrate the point, here’s [10] resources to change the world. What [10] would you list?
They are a reminder that it’s actually about much simpler notions than entertainment, expensive nights out, continually trying to ramp things up or Bible Study only instead of having some fun!!
Youth ministry is inherently relational but even morseo in the current era it’s about asking ‘who God is calling us to be at this time in this place’ and helping young people engage in ‘mission’ helping others and changing the world. This and mature mentoring, exposure to new ideas and positive affirmation are well on the way to helping young people develop holistic wellbeing.

1. Soccer Ball
 Only the holder of the ball can speak in a group ‘icebreaking’ or discussion circle
 Play endless games of ‘poison ball’ with elimination and non elimination varieties
 [2] or [3] teams can play catch where you can’t run while touching the ball but you’re team scores a point if you can catch 10, 15 or 20 consecutive passes on the full
 Use it as the ‘bone’ for British Bulldog
 Oh yeah, play soccer [football]
 Sign it and give it to the young person leaving the group

2. Length of Rope
 Tug o war
 Tied in a circle, pick it up and move to a circle, the rectangle with eyes closed and others guiding
 Play ‘survivor games’ where last to be holding the rope is winner
 Set ‘initiative’ or group building tasks using the rope, getting over the rope
 ‘Trust exercises’ leading groups with eyes closed
 Sit around the egde in a circle no further than the rope away
 Abseling [and it’s great stories]

3. Ream of A4 Paper and Pens
 Sharing sheets answering Questions
 MySpace Pages
 Quizzes
 Scavenger Hunts
 Faith Questions
 Reflections and writing
 Bible Study Questions
 Feedback Sheets
 Group or Activity Programs
 Database of Group Participants
 Lightning Self Portraits
 Camp Rego Forms

4. Stick of Chalk
 Teams Chalk Chase
 Footpath Graffiti
 Drawing shapes on the floor for musical shapes
 Marking Goals
 Writing rosters on a chalkboard
 Prayer Wall

5. List of ‘Get to Know You’ Questions
 Hundreds of questions can help groups and individuals move from ‘icebreakers’ to deep sharing
 Camps, Discussion Nights, New Members, Re-shaping group, Leadership Team building
 Leaders ‘getting to know’ individual group members better
 It’s not all about physical games

6. Peoples Hats
 Keep the sun off heads
 Share stories, memories or anything about you and that hat
 Hats NO Hats Games
 Bushwalking
 Organise Embroidered Group Hats [especially for trips to wider events]

7. Video Camera, TV and DVD Player
 Films
 Discussion
 Viewing Discipleship Resources
 Video Scavenger Hunt
 Vox Pop Video
 Intergenerational Interviews
 Claymation and Lego worship resources

8. Bible
 Reading
 Discussion
 Creating ‘portable’ faith
 Q and A
 Storytelling
 For use in asking ‘what difference God makes?’
 For holding up as a mirror to explore who we are

9. A Pillow
 For sitting on during long talks
 Name Bop Game
 Only the person holding it speaks
 Camping
 D and M question time

10. A CD/MP3 Player
 Background music
 Music for reflection/discussion
 Worship
 Games soundtracks
 Musical chairs etc
 Party
 Talks
 Young people choose, explain and share a song
 Social Justice anthems
 Reflective worship

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