"Christianity 21: Faith in the 21st Century
21 Voices
21 Voices
21 Ideas
21 Minutes Each
We live in a time of epochal change.
Many find this change exciting; for others, it’s a challenge.
Call it globalization, pluralization, or postmodernism, this change affects our economy, politics, government, and education—all of society.
And, of course, our faith and our churches are not immune to change.
So we have gathered 21 of the most important voices for the future of Christianity—21 voices for the 21st century—to speak into our future as people of faith in this age.
They represent a diverse array of backgrounds, interests, and passions, and they will provide a wide range of innovative and challenging presentations.
Christianity21 is less a conference and more a happening, an event—a gathering of voices and ideas that will shape the future of our faith.
And to the 21 voices, we want you to add your voice, whether you’re a seeker or skeptic, leader or layperson, disciple or doubter."
9-10th October 2009
I came across this reading the always self effacing and interesting Nadia Bolz-Weber [The Sarcastic Lutheran] and wish I had time to spare in October!!
Having decided in 2007 not to attend anymore conferences or seminars [because it was a waste of time unless I was actually going to DO something and maybe should JUST DO IT [hey there's a good slogan for an athletic shoe and clothing company!]... this looks like just the sort of thing which could be combined with a visit to Solomon's Porch and Luther Seminary to catch up with Roland Martinson and the work on 'exemplary youth ministry' happening there!!

For those not able to make it our UCA National Inservice [for Workers with Children, Youth, Young Adults and/or Families] BREATHE is on August 2-7 in Adelaide with the inspirational Steve Taylor AND like 2007 there are plans for a symposium of 30min Papers and Presentations on excellent stuff you've been part of, seen or have studied/been exploring!!
YOU could write and present! Encourage someone you know to do just that! and/or Learn from others! More details and registration here