Sunday, August 24, 2008

Greenbelt Festival Part 01

Here I am in the GB08 internet cafe in 'The Tank' with 5 mins left on the net...

The Festival is all I hoped it would be and I have enjoyed the relaxed program with lots of options. I have seen Michael Franti and Spearhead and Jose Gonzales and look forward tonight to the beatboxer 'Shlomo'

The first evening there was a panel of people 'representing' different communities loosely described as part of the emerging church and in essence that was enough input for though I have continued into other workshops etc.

The group affirmed many of the things I hold to be central for the future of communities of faith identifying themselves as Christian and some sense of a way forward for a denomination in 'throwing off' what is unhelpful and creating permission ans space for new things:

Contextualising faith and living in the world

Consensus forms of decisionmaking
Worship that represents life and tradition plus transendence
Gathering around a set of values not a corporate plan
Being and gathering in the world
Accessing the best of the world of the creative arts
Blowing up the gap between secular and sacred
to name a few

I of course timed out at Greeneblt so here I am in Stratford Upon Avon, birthplace of the Bard,Shakespeare!
The group have set out to find the worst kitsche souvenir for 2 pounds or less... I can't bring myself to buy it but I did find a ceramic thimble with only a pic of his birth home on it or a modern lead pencil with a Yorrich Skull on the end...

Anyhow, it's Tuesday here now and although I am missing my three gorgeous girls!! It has been a brilliant experience to finally attend GB. I have a few ideas for Converge NCYC09 'surfing level' Bible Study I am leading with a great team...

Those ideas include:
An opportunity to add to an artwork/cross or mural
Self portrait drawing
An unfolding artwork on a white roller painted wall we construct in the space
A great lounge setting for any 'first person' readings or interviews
We could interview one or more of te key speakers about their ideas of the days topics
Screens in the four corners of our space rather than a previous idea I had about four in the centre in a square.... depends what we want to do

Anyhow, I have now since participated in a number of conversations with individuals at GB, have a few ideas about work and some inspiration for myself:
If you write it down I guess you have to act!!

Options: all seen as integrally part of my work
1. Increased participation in some aspect of the worship and mission of my home congegation at Adamstown's Dungeon
2. A wider initiative helping another group form a 'faith comunity' e.g. either people our own age and stage in the city or around home or young adults and others in the city around say a monthly worship gathering and perhaps film club alongside
3. Helping resource and support someone somewhere where this is or could happen because they have already begun or spoken up about wanting/needing to...

I had already also committed to 'Worship Unplugged Volume 2' and have an idea for a discipleship resource around 'Way to Live' as a theme.

I had a moment to speak to BRian McLaren and sounded him out about 'donating some shoes' and that I'd like to send him the song I've written inspired by his 'Everything Must Change' book.

This I will track via his website email...

OK, more later but it's been a terrific trip thus far in terms of engagement with good people doing inspired things... its challenging and there's so much more to come!!

Pictures will be uploaded when I get home and if you're at all keen to check out the 'Jesus Arms' Pub at Greenbelt you'll find the amazing 'Beer and Hymns' at I believe or google beerandhymns greenbelt

It was something else to watch 3500 proplr belting out among other Wesley classics "And Can It Be" Hymn number 347

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