Like Viral Videos and Chain Letters, the latest "tagging" is to choose a few others in the blogosphere and ask them to share answers to these questions and to similarly tag others!!
known for suggesting in late night Camping D&M fireside chats that people can ask me any question they like and get an honest answer, as a way of encouraging a small group of people to do likewise, I'm up for the challenge...
1. I have seriously considered gastric banding as a weight loss option:
Twice before in my life I have returned from overweight to a healthy 100 kgs with totally consuming lifestyle changes and exercise that have later slowly dissipated... other events and issues have generally caused the gains to be greater and recent injuries and allergies have caused me to be in terrible shape!! Earlier I was able to focus on rugby union and walking and at one time was so angry and on edge in a relationship that weight just fell off.
Both times the trick was a sweet low sugar drink, copious quantities of fruit, no snacks and eating whatever meals I wanted to for dinner... with chocolate and a supper once a week!! Oh and the killer was not telling anyone and never mentioning the word "diet"....
More recently as above I've had food allergies preventing healthy eating e.g no fruit except pears [which can get a little monotonous!! Then I've ruptured and had surgery on both kneecap tendons!! No rugby, no running and more recently no walking...
BUT I'm now a swimmer and my allergies as mentioned elsewhere seem to have miraculously resolved [misdiagnosis must be considered, but the reactions have stopped]....
Anyhow.... maybe one day...
2. Elton John:
Some may also be aware I was a huge Elton John fan and have seen Elton live at least four times in Sydney... particularly Elton's early stuff and the heavy rock numbers... anthemic, great lyrics, storytelling...
3. I was a Booth Organiser for distributing Liberal Party pamphlets for a State Election:
AND scrutineered in East Maitland while still at High School. I almost signed up as a Young Liberal. My personal politics could hardly be further from those early roots and influences these days after deconstructing and reconstructing my view of the world and the values of God around Year 12 and early years at University.
I never thought once I went into Youth Work that I would ever use my eventual Economics Degree BUT I realise that "economic rationalism", privatisation and their effects on the poor are very much issues of faith, lifestyle, ethics and values... as lived out in community!!
I still harbour a little ambition for political office and if I return at some point to a local faith community I would happily join a group working to make the world a better place and see how I went!!
4. I hate making mistakes:
I know this because I make my share and kick myself everytime... but as an IDEALIST I carry the mixture of knowing better but operating out of a mindset that leaves room for stuff to go wrong and just adjust and move on. Tiredness and haste are my worst enemies... I can get so tired whole hours or half days are a blur. I recently lost a bag which I assume I put down next to my car after swapping gear between two bags and driving away BUT I cannot visualise it happening... its just the only remaining explanation!!
If I operate or am pushed outside my gift of 'listening' and 'summing up' then I am liable to miss the best solution and go for a lesser option!! I really like to hear other peoples ideas and would prefer to push them forward in leadership than myself.... BUT if I do that without proper time or resources so they have the job but not all the tools or time then I am negligent!! Other veneer thin self important gurus and pretenders can step in and take over those spaces but I still rsik that to give others a chance... if they can thrive I am happy!!
5. 2007 is a critical year to my future:
Will I get the balance right and be content and focused or will it be hectic and frustrating and stressful causing me to burnout? Some of that is frighteningly in the hands of others... colleagues I trust, people who need to step up and be encouraged to lead and take up the space as I encourage them... well, we'll see?
OK.... too much information...