Wednesday, August 12, 2009

'Breathe' National Inservice Conference in Adelaide

Despite being hopefully in the last throes of a four week chest infection I am in recovery and still thinking about 'Breathe' which I attended only by sleeping most of the day and trying to catch Steve Taylor's input sessions!!
I have previously blogged that it was Lucy and Ellie's 8th and 5th birthdays that week but having discussed it with them I had decided there were a limited range of speakers I'd list who would see me still attending. Steve makes that shortlist as I have enjoyed reading his stuff over the years and knew his input would be affirming, expanding and challenging... and it was... despite my limited 'out loud' engagement.
I have learnt that I best process input by 1. drawing or writing while listening and 2. interacting. adding comment or asking questions and both of these in preference to small group interactions. It was frustrating not feeling energetic enough to engage in that until the second last day BUT I continue to think about the implications of stuff.
It's cost me $115 in books already between Andy Crouch's "Culture Making" and 2 or 3 John Drane books about 'spirituality'.
I have heard of them before but in living up to my 'lethargic academic' self description and not really liking reading I have ignored them and many other books.
"Culture Making" sounds just like some stuff I bang on about and will help me extend my work on 'stories' and accessing creativity for worship and discipleship so we are engaging with culture not simply as critics or consumers but 'culture makers'.
My symposium paper picked up the theme of "Movie Tickets, Ipods, Satchels and Imagination" and will be a theme I develeop further and deeper, like my storytelling stuff. It includes an outline of the philosophy behind our NCYC Bible Study and other uses of music, movies, story, art and exploratory spaces!!
More on Steve's input soon!!

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